Year One

The Biblical Path of Life: Year One

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” Proverbs 25:2

Time seems to pass so quickly!  I have posted ideas of things to help teach this Bible study to children for the first year so far. I hope these ideas are helpful or at least get your own ideas churning as to how to help children desire to know God’s Word!   

 The most important thing we can help children (or any student of God’s Word) to understand is just how important their Bible is.  They need to learn how to take care of their own Bible.  They should become familiar with them. Children must understand the importance of reading them!  Even beginning readers should be encouraged to read God’s Word.  In the 6-8 year old class I taught, we read the Bible out loud every week (yes, even the young children!).  At first, the youngest readers were very hesitant to read.  But with a little encouragement and help, they became excited about reading their Bible.  Each week they would become a little more proficient at reading, and that fact encouraged them greatly.  No child is too young for us to begin to teach them to love the Word of God or to learn the principles found within God’s Word!   

In this study, we will take 3 years to go completely through the Bible.  The idea is to see the Bible in historical order, to alleviate some of the confusion.  And at the end of each quarter, we will take out time to see Jesus in the Old Testament.  Keep in mind that we are looking at each book as an overview.  The idea is to encourage each person to go home and dig into God’s Word and learn even more!

This study was put together to make the Bible not only interesting, but applicable to everyday life.  The Bible means nothing to us if we do not apply the principles within to our lives to become more like Christ.  In order to understand how to live a Christian life pleasing to God in the world today, we must first know what His Word says.  I hope that you learn to love the Bible through these lessons!

Because the first year is available for purchase, I have only put an overview for each lesson along with a children’s craft idea (for anyone who may be interested) and some worksheets for children (homemade, but maybe helpful!). You can click on the lesson title below for a link to see these.

Please share with your friends and family! Comments are always welcome!

Year One Quarter One:

  1. Lesson 1: The Seven Dispensations
  2. Lesson 2: God Made Me
  3. Lesson 3: Why is the History Important?
  4. Lesson 4: Thirty-Nine Old Testament Books: Five Divisions
  5. Lesson 5: Five Books of the Law: Genesis to Deuteronomy
  6. Lesson 6: Twelve Historical Books: Joshua to Esther
  7. Lesson 7: Five Personals Books: Job to Song of Solomon
  8. Lesson 8: Seventeen Prophetic Books: Isaiah to Malachi
  9. Lesson 9: Five Major Prophets: Isaiah to Daniel
  10. Lesson 10: Nine Pre-exile Minor Prophets: Hosea to Zephaniah
  11. Lesson 11: Three Post-exile Minor Prophets: Haggai to Malachi
  12. Lesson 12: Review Old Testament Divisions
  13. Lesson 13: Jesus in the Old Testament: How Jesus Relates to the Old Testament

Year One Quarter Two:

  1. Lesson 1: Genesis 1-11: Four Main Events: Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel
  2. Lesson 2: Genesis 12-24: Abraham and Isaac
  3. Lesson 3: Genesis 25-36: Jacob
  4. Lesson 4: Genesis 37-50: Joseph
  5. Lesson 5: Exodus 1-18: From Egypt through the Wilderness
  6. Lesson 6: Exodus 19-40: God Revealed
  7. Lesson 7: Leviticus 1-20: The Way to God
  8. Lesson 8: Leviticus 21-27: The Worship of God
  9. Lesson 9: Numbers 1-19: Wandering in the Wilderness
  10. Lesson 10: Numbers 20-36: The Next Generation
  11. Lesson 11: Deuteronomy 1-11: Remembering the Past and Reviewing God’s Laws
  12. Lesson 12: Deuteronomy 12-34: Planning the Trip into the Promised Land
  13. Lesson 13: Jesus in the Old Testament: Jesus Fulfilled the Law

Year One Quarter Three:

  1. Lesson 1: Joshua 1-11: Conquering the Land
  2. Lesson 2: Joshua 12-24: Possessing the Land
  3. Lesson 3: Judges 1-12: The Decline of the Judges
  4. Lesson 4: Judges 13-21: The Tragedy of No King
  5. Lesson 5: Ruth: A picture of Redemption
  6. Lesson 6: 1 Samuel 1-7: Eli to Samuel
  7. Lesson 7: 1 Samuel 8-15: Saul
  8. Lesson 8: 1 Samuel 16-31: David Coming to the Kingdom
  9. Lesson 9: 2 Samuel 1-5: David Crowned as King
  10. Lesson 10: 2 Samuel 6-10: David the Conqueror
  11. Lesson 11: 2 Samuel 11-24: The Result of Sin
  12. Lesson 12: 1 Kings 1-11: David’s Death and Solomon King
  13. Lesson 13: Jesus in the Old Testament: Jesus, Our Ruler

Year One Quarter Four:

  1. Lesson 1: Job: The Test
  2. Lesson 2: Psalms 1-41: Book 1
  3. Lesson 3: Psalms 42-72: Book 2
  4. Lesson 4: Psalms 73-89: Book 3
  5. Lesson 5: Psalms 90-106: Book 4
  6. Lesson 6: Psalms 107-150: Book 5
  7. Lesson 7: Proverbs 1-9: Wisdom is to Be Found Early
  8. Lesson 8: Proverbs 10-24: Wisdom is Necessary
  9. Lesson 9: Proverbs 25-31: Wisdom Revealed
  10. Lesson 10: Ecclesiastes 1-8: The Vanity of Man
  11. Lesson 11: Ecclesiastes 9-12: The Conclusion of the Matter
  12. Lesson 12: Song of Solomon: The Perfect Love
  13. Lesson 13: Jesus in the Old Testament: Jesus, Our Friend