Lesson 3: Why is the History Important?

Key Verse:

“Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.”  1 Corinthians 10:11

Lesson Summary:  After reading this verse, focus on the fact that God’s Word was written for us to show us a picture of His plan.  We are to learn from what is written in His Word.  Each Bible “story” we have learned through the years is just a piece of the “puzzle” to complete the picture of God’s Plan.  History may appear boring, but we are going to show how fascinating, and especially important, it is in our lives.

Because the history is so important, we should desire to know the history – just like Peter, Stephen, and Paul knew it.  We are to understand that the history found in God’s Word is there to help us better understand and know Jesus.  As we look at this lesson, we begin to understand that God had a plan.  In the Old Testament, men didn’t fully understand what that plan was, but through faith they believed.  In the New Testament, God’s plan was revealed through His Son, Jesus.  Men still didn’t understand until Jesus died, resurrected and ascended into heaven.  But once they understood, they could not keep silent.  They shared what they learned with others so they could know of God’s wonderful plan as well.

In this lesson, we will learn as Peter preached the Old Testament history, and the response he received.  Then we will remember Stephen as he preached the same history, and the very different response to his message.  Finally, we will see Saul (later called Paul) who was transformed (believed in Jesus) after Stephen’s preaching, and how he became a mighty preacher, and teacher, of the history revealing Jesus.

Ideas for crafts or activities to do with children:

For an activity to prepare to discuss the lesson, have children begin working on the puzzle (ideally of a Bible Story) you have prepared for them to put together.  (Preparation:  Have a puzzle with chunks of it put together, yet with many loose pieces.  Have reserved (in an envelope set aside) 7 important pieces – to leave the puzzle obviously incomplete.  Focus on the fact that God’s Word was written for us to show us a picture of His plan.  We are to learn from what is written in His Word.  Each Bible “story” we have learned through the years is just a piece of the “puzzle” to complete the picture of God’s Plan.  History may appear boring, but we are going to show how fascinating, and especially important, it is in our lives.  Wait until after the lesson is discussed to do the following:

Have the students reconsider the puzzle they worked on at the beginning of your time.  Ask them if they enjoy doing a puzzle that doesn’t have all of the pieces.  Why not?  Take out the missing pieces – 7 of them.  As you do, tell them that the puzzle could not be completed without the pieces.  They could guess what the picture was, but wouldn’t completely know without the final pieces.  Throughout history, people could try to understand what God was showing them.  They trusted that He held all of the pieces, and would fit them in place, in His timing.  As you begin fitting in the final 7 pieces of the puzzle, explain that it wasn’t until:

  1. Jesus’ birth
  2. the life he lived pleasing to God
  3. His obedience
  4. death on the cross
  5. burial
  6. resurrection
  7. ascension into heaven

Then the picture became clear.

Mural suggestion for today: 

Have them share something that happened that they may not have understood at the time, but later understood why it happened.  Have paper or a puzzle shape for them to write or draw their experience.

Optional worksheets that can be downloaded:

Lesson 3 – Volume 1 Children’s Worksheet

Lesson 3 – Volume 1 Children’s Reinforcement Worksheet

Puzzle Shape to write or draw on for mural.

Another idea is to make a collage on a bulletin board of many Old Testament pictures that are very familiar.

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