Tag: God’s Word

Forgiveness and Mercy

“For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.” Psalm 86:5 King Josiah was a good king. He chose to do what was right. We can read that he was even compared back to King David, and that Josiah […]

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Paul wrote a letter to Timothy helping him understand better the Christian life. Not only was he to know the truth’s of God’s Word, but he was to live them out in his life. His life was to be an example for anyone whom he met of a Christ-like life. […]

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Can One Know God?

Not many people today were born into a Christian family. What does this mean? Most often, they do not understand or know God. How can one find God? How can one know God? In the life of King Hezekiah, we can read of a hope for someone whose family does […]

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Heartily, as to the Lord

If you have ever read the book of Jeremiah, you understand that the messages God gave Jeremiah to share were extremely difficult for him to deliver. However, Jeremiah was always faithful – even when he was beaten, imprisoned, and his fellowman rejected him. He willingly obeyed God’s command to deliver […]

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Faith Comes by Hearing

God called many prophets in the Old Testament to go forth and declare His Word to people. They mostly went, no matter what happened to them. We all remember one particular prophet who chose to disobey God. He chose to go the opposite direction God wanted him to go. The […]

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Ponder thy Path

Solomon was a very wise man. When King Solomon asked God to give him an understanding heart to judge God’s people, God gave him great wisdom. “Behold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have given thee a wise and an understanding heart; so that there was none […]

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Lesson 6 (Lesson 45): Psalms 107-150: Book 5

Key Verse “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”  II Timothy 3:16   Read the Key Verse with your class.  Ask your students if they have ever tried to play a game with someone without reading […]

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