Tag: Heart

A Man After Mine own Heart

David is one of the most famous men in the Bible. God chose him when he was young to be the future king of His people. Although King Saul chased David wanting to kill him, David followed God, and God took care of him. When David became king, he was […]

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Keep Your Heart

The following definitions might help you understand this verse a little better: keep:  guard; protect; preserve heart:  the center; the totality of man’s inner nature; the place where wisdom and understanding reside There is so much going on in the world today – good and evil. With all the many […]

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Lesson 9 (Lesson 22): Numbers 1-19: Wandering in the Wilderness

Key Verse “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.”  Hebrews 3:12 Read today’s key verse with your class, helping them to understand it.  Take heed means to beware, or pay attention to.  Christians need to be […]

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