Tag: Seek

Be Not Deceived

If you read the history of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) in the Old Testament, keep in mind that none of the kings of Israel was considered good because they led Israel to sin against God. They had established a religion worshiping golden calves in Dan and Bethel, not the one […]

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Do you Seek the Lord?

God sent a man named Amos to deliver an important message to the people of Israel. The people were living contrary to the Word of God, worshiping idols, and were practicing an empty religion. Amos asked them an important question: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). […]

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Jesus, the Light of the World

Does the world seem like it is a very dark place anymore? There is so much unrest and wickedness in the world today, it feels as if there is little hope for a peaceful future. Much of the evil persists in the darkest of the day, under the cover of […]

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A New Creature

Have you ever heard something that scared you? I mean really scared you?! What do you think of the following?  “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36). […]

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Be Crucified with Christ

Saul was the first king of Israel. He looked (physically) like a good king. However, his true nature was soon revealed. But the most devastating thing that happened, was that he chose to do what he wanted to do instead of fulfilling God’s Word. When he disobeyed God, and did […]

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Seek Good and not Evil

According to Amos 5:14, we are to seek good things in this world, not evil. Many times, God’s people had quit seeking good and were continually doing evil. God often sent a prophet to speak His words to the people; frequently it was when God’s people were in sin and […]

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Choose to do Good

‘The Israelites sinned against God when they forsook Him and worshiped creatures (golden calves, Baal, etc.). They also walked in the ways of the heathen (the wicked and idolatrous nations around) instead of walking in God’s Laws and statutes they had been taught. Notice that in the New Testament, Paul […]

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God’s Enduring Love

‘Just as the Israelites were told of their sin and called to repentance, the same call is extended to us today. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). All are guilty of sin, and there is a penalty to pay. “For the wages […]

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A Man After Mine own Heart

David is one of the most famous men in the Bible. God chose him when he was young to be the future king of His people. Although King Saul chased David wanting to kill him, David followed God, and God took care of him. When David became king, he was […]

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Seek God Early

The most important thing a human being can do is to seek after God. God loved the world so much that he gave His only Son to die upon the cross – just so we could have a relationship with Him! All we must do is to love Him enough […]

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