Year Three, Quarter Two
The Biblical Path of Life is a clear and concise study that simplifies the understanding of how the Bible fits together as a whole. The lessons are organized into a few main points, with key verses explained helping one comprehend it better. It compares Scripture to Scripture, revealing that the entire Bible is to introduce one to Jesus and make known the need of Him in one’s life.
In this third year of this three-year study through the Scriptures, we continue our study of the New Testament (having completed the Old Testament in Year Two). After looking at the life of Jesus as recorded in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we reach the book of Acts. It is the only book in the New Testament division of History. As we learn about the early days of the church, the spread of the Gospel message is better understood. In those beginnings, thousands were saved at one time becoming disciples of Jesus. Once persecution began and people were killed for their faith, the Gospel message was spread into the known world, and the disciples of Jesus were called Christians. We will witness the great transformation of one of those persecutors as he, himself, became not only a Christian, but in our future studies we will learn that God used him, Paul, to write most of the books in the New Testament.
This study is for:
- An individual,
- A family,
- A small-group Bible study, or
- A Sunday School program for all ages.
The Bible is the most important thing we can to know, for it reveals what God expects from His people. In order to know how to live a Christian life that is pleasing to God, we must first understand what His Word says.
A Review for The Biblical Path of Life – Year Three, Quarter Two
“The Biblical Path of Life” brings the Bible to life as you learn how wonderfully everything fits together and how it reveals God’s plan through the ages for man’s redemption.
Even though I have taught and/or been a student of this study for many years I am constantly learning new things each time I go through the study. “The Biblical Path of Life” has truly grown my faith and matured my walk with the Lord over the years. The Lord is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him!
~Donna from Oklahoma
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