Lesson 8 (Lesson 21): Leviticus 21 – 27: The Worship of God

Key Verse

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”  Galatians 2:20

Go over the key verse with your class helping them understand it with the following:  “I am crucified with Christ [spiritually by mortifying (putting to death) our worldly and fleshly lusts by the cross of Christ]…”  Now that we have Jesus in our heart, we can no longer live like we once did (like we want).  We live for Jesus because we are given life by faith in “the Son of God” (Jesus) “who loved me, and gave himself for me.”  Notice the “me” makes it a very personal thing.

Especially help them to learn to put their “wants” in check.  We are not supposed to live our lives doing what we want if we belong to Jesus.  We are supposed to do what He wants us to do!

Summary:  Once your students understand the foundation of fellowship with God (the last lesson), they need to understand the condition they must be in to be in a relationship with God to fellowship with Him.  God starts with the condition of the priests, then moves on to the condition of their offerings.  We find out today (in the New Testament) that when we belong to Jesus, we are “kings and priests” to Him.  Knowing this, we need to look at what God required of His priests.  They must live a life “set apart”.  They were to be “holy” before God.  Help your students understand that this is required of us.  We must do as our memory verse today tells us.  Put our worldly lusts to death and live a life pleasing to God.

The book of Leviticus ends with the blessings of obedience, the penalties for disobedience, and with the importance of keeping vows to God.  A warning is given to always keep our promises to God.  (Only about a month’s time passes during the book of Leviticus.)

Encourage your students to bring their Bibles and use them!

Emphasis:  To worship God properly, we need to understand that we cannot do what we want to do.  We must do what God wants.  We are “kings and priests” to God.  We have to live our lives “set apart” and pleasing to God so we can offer our lives as a “living sacrifice” (living implies continual – never ending).


Optional Worksheets to be downloaded:

Lesson 21 – Volume 1 Children’s Worksheet

Lesson 21 – Volume 1 Children’s Reinforcement Worksheet


Ideas for children:

Stickers always work well with children. Often times I watch Wal-Mart or Oriental Trading Company for specials or deals on things I can use for crafts for Sunday School (i.e. foam sheets, Bible Story scene stickers, crowns, stick on jewels, construction paper, etc.).  I keep a stash and when I need something, I go search in my stash!  Pinterest always has great ideas!

You could have a coloring sheet that goes with the lesson.

One idea for today’s lesson:  (See picture below).  We made a crown.  You can buy precut out crowns (from someplace like Oriental Trading Company), or you can cut them out of gold or silver poster board.  Allow them to decorate them with peel and stick jewels (or for someone who is brave, you could use glue and glitter!).  Fit the to the child’s head size and staple them to hold them together.  Remind them that when we are saved (have asked Jesus into our hearts) we are kings and priests to God.


Mural idea:

Refer to the wall in your classroom that has become a mural. Today, have them think of ways they can be a “living sacrifice”.  Have them draw a crown (or cut one out of paper) to remind them that they are “kings and priests” to God (if they belong to Him).  We should live our lives pleasing to God knowing that He gave His Son (Jesus), for that honor and privilege.  Have them write down at least one area in their life they will make a concerted effort to improve upon.

Have them each add anything else they may have brought to add to the wall.  Encourage everyone to participate.

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