Key Verse
“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23
As you read the verse Romans 6:23, help your students understand this key verse as they complete the opening worksheet. Make sure your students understand the key verse and the importance of recognizing the greatest gift God ever gave – His Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sins.
Summary: In this lesson we will remember the familiar Bible events of Jacob and one of his sons, Joseph.
Joseph was the 11th son born to Jacob. He was a godly young man in spite of adverse circumstances in his life. God used him to save his family from starvation during a time of famine throughout the lands.
Today we will recognize God’s blessings upon Joseph’s life – for although he endured many problems (his brothers hated him; sold into slavery; falsely imprisoned; forgotten; etc.) he remained faithful to God. And God blessed Joseph’s life. Joseph was the last major person in the book of Genesis.
In the Old Testament, Joseph is one of the people we compare to a picture of Christ. In the past few weeks, we have seen where God promised to send One who would deliver a sinful people from their sins. The first was when man sinned in the Garden (Gen. 3:15). Then we saw where God promised Abraham that all people would be blessed through his descendants (Gen. 22:18). We even saw a picture of what God would do – lay down the life of His Son. This week, we see once again the promise of a mighty deliverer that would come (Gen. 28:14). And better yet, we see a picture of a mighty deliverer in Jacob’s son, Joseph. When Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, they meant it for evil – Genesis 50:20: “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” God sent His Son, Jesus to save the world from their sin. He was the greatest gift ever given. But sinful man crucified him (evil against Him), and God took what man intended to be evil and delivered us from our sins by Jesus’ death. Just as Joseph recognized when he was placed in a position to save the world from starvation, Jesus came to save the world from “the wages of sin … death” and instead give us the “gift of God … eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Notice the faithfulness of Joseph, and the blessings of God upon him.
Encourage your students to bring their Bibles and use them!
Optional Worksheets to be downloaded:
Lesson 17 – Volume 1 Children’s Worksheet 1
Lesson 17 – Volume 1 Children’s Reinforcement Worksheet
Ideas for children:
Stickers always work well with children. Often times I watch Wal-Mart or Oriental Trading Company for specials or deals on things I can use for crafts for Sunday School (i.e. foam sheets, Bible Story scene stickers, crowns, stick on jewels, construction paper, etc.). I keep a stash and when I need something, I go search in my stash! Pinterest always has great ideas!
You could have a coloring sheet that goes with the lesson.
One idea for today’s lesson: (See picture below). We made a foam book with pages inside that we wrote (or drew) ways to “Honor God” (much like Joseph did in his life). Another time we took a picture of Joseph’s coat and used foam stickers to “color” it, or tissue paper glued to make it many colors.
Mural idea:
Refer to the wall in your classroom that has become a mural. Today, have them think of the greatest gift they can remember. Have them recognize that as great as that gift was, Jesus is the greatest gift of all. Have them think of ways they can, and should, tell others about the greatest gift ever, Jesus. Help them decorate a picture of a gift box telling that Jesus is God’s gift to us. Remind them that just as Joseph saved from starvation, Jesus came to save mankind from their sin.
Have them each add anything else they may have brought to add to the wall. Encourage everyone to participate.