Tag: Light

Light versus Darkness

Everyone understands the difference between light and dark. They are opposites. In one, you can see clearly, in the other you cannot. In the darkness, much can be hidden and unseen. Sometimes we think of the scary things – seen or unseen – in the darkness. See what King Solomon […]

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The Wrath of God

No one talks about the wrath of God anymore. What exactly is the wrath of God?  It is mentioned most often in the New Testament. One clear understanding of it is found in the reading of Romans chapter one. In that chapter, one can understand that God’s wrath is holy […]

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Jesus, the Light of the World

Does the world seem like it is a very dark place anymore? There is so much unrest and wickedness in the world today, it feels as if there is little hope for a peaceful future. Much of the evil persists in the darkest of the day, under the cover of […]

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A Light in the Darkness

God often reminded His people what He expected of them. Before they were led into the land God promised to them, see what He told them: “Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes” (Deuteronomy […]

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