Tag: Jesus

A Light to the Gentiles

We are all familiar with the birth of Jesus that we often refer to as the “Christmas Story.” There had been about four hundred years without a new word from God or His prophets. Suddenly, we learn the angels begin to tell of the birth of Jesus that would soon […]

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Christmas Time

This has been another crazy year. Many things continue to feel uncertain. So much has changed. It is hard to believe that the year 2021 is almost over. Does it feel like Christmas time? Have you ever watched A Charlie Brown Christmas? As it opens, Charlie Brown is declaring to […]

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The Heart of the Matter

Do you remember the first murderer in the Bible? His name was Cain. He had a brother named Able. We do not read much about them, but what we do find in God’s Word should help us much if we will only understand. “And in process of time it came […]

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A Personal Testimony

There was a very religious man, a Pharisee, named Saul. He witnessed an amazing defense of the Gospel Message of Jesus by Stephen that ended in Stephen’s death. When Saul heard of this new “way,” he actively sought to stop it. Although this may have sounded commendable, he was wrong […]

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Jesus, our Redeemer

In the book of Ruth, after reading about Ruth and Boaz, we see the parallel to the redemption Jesus did for us on the cross. Ruth was drawn to God and His people. She found out about a kinsman redeemer; Ruth was to go to him, uncover his feet, and […]

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Search the Scriptures Daily

Christians know that God’s Word is the Bible. We must also recognize the importance of using it correctly. In order to understand the correct way to use God’s Word, one must first know what it says. Each Christian should have their own personal copy of the Bible realizing the importance […]

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The Wedding Garment

Jesus told many parables. It is important to know that a parable is a “heavenly story with an earthly meaning.” Because our earthly minds cannot understand heaven or the things of God, Jesus often told parables to the people, particularly to help his disciples understand what He was trying to […]

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The Individual’s Choice

God wanted Ezekiel to make it clear to His people that God saw everything. Because God sees all, Ezekiel was to make sure the people understood that God also sees each individual and judges them accordingly. Especially notice the following: “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the […]

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A Christian’s Duty

Can you name any of God’s commandments? Without knowing what God’s commandments are, people would never understand they have sinned. “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:20). One must first […]

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A Heart of Unbelief

The Gospel Message of Jesus is available to anyone who will receive it. However, one must not only believe that message, it then must be received into one’s heart and life by faith. “For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did […]

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