Lesson 5 (Lesson 44): Psalms 90-106: Book 4

Key Verse

“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.”  Romans 15:4


Read the Key Verse with your class.  Ask your students if they have ever learned anything (i.e.:  how to ride a bike (drive), how to read, etc.).  Did it take time?  Were you very patient?  Did the knowledge of what you would be able to do once you learned encourage you?  Knowing how to live a Christian life, pleasing God, takes time and patience.  But we are comforted (encouraged), knowing it is an important thing to do, and with the hope (confidence) we will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus.  That is why the Bible was written. So we could learn these things.

Summary:  Today we continue with the second of the Personal books, Psalms.  Remember that the Psalms is broken up into 5 books.  We will look at book four of the Psalms (chapters 90-106) today, comparing them to the book of Numbers.  If you remember, the main theme of Numbers was wandering in the wilderness when they were disciplined for disobeying God.  They learned to completely rely upon God – for food, water and protection.

If you remember, the name Numbers came from a numbering of the people at the beginning of the book and then again at the end.  These were two different groups of people, the old generation and then a new generation.  When the 12 spies were sent into the land (the land promised to Abraham), only Joshua and Caleb brought back a good report claiming God would allow them to conquer the land.  When the Israelites disobeyed God’s command to cross over into the Promised Land, they were disciplined.  The old generation would die and not enter into the Promised Land because they refused to obey God’s command.  Joshua and Caleb were the only ones to escape God’s discipline (wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.)

During the book of Numbers, we saw God guiding, providing for, and protecting His people until they reached the Promised Land.  As we compare Numbers to the 4th book of the Psalms, see how God has always been there for His people, providing and protecting.  He wants to be the ruler (king) of their lives.  Man will not live forever.  For those who choose to put their trust in God, He becomes a personal God.  A relationship is established.  He becomes their refuge – just as God was for the Israelites in the wilderness.

Encourage your students to bring their Bibles and use them!

Emphasis:  Once we have placed our trust in God (Jesus), we must dwell in Him (live a life pleasing to Him).


Optional Worksheets to be downloaded:

Lesson 44 – Volume 1 Children’s Worksheet 1

Lesson 44 – Volume 1 Children’s Reinforcement Worksheet


Ideas for children:

Stickers always work well with children. Often times I watch Wal-Mart or Oriental Trading Company for specials or deals on things I can use for crafts for Sunday School (i.e. foam sheets, Bible Story scene stickers, crowns, stick on jewels, construction paper, etc.).  I keep a stash and when I need something, I go search in my stash!  Pinterest always has great ideas!

You could have a coloring sheet that goes with the lesson.

One idea for today’s lesson:  (See picture below).  For today’s lesson I had a small shield craft with a small clothespin that glued to the back.  We glued a magnet to the back of the clothespin so it could hang on a metal surface (like a refrigerator).  We then took a small piece of paper and wrote the verse Psalm 91:4-5.  After they wrote the verse, we clipped it into the clothespin.  This is a good verse to remember that God will take care of those that belong to Him.


Mural idea:

Refer to the wall in your classroom that has become a mural.

By now your class should be in a groove as to the direction and areas in which they need to focus and work on to improve their Christian lives.  Use this knowledge to help you address specific areas in each lesson that your class can discuss and share as you add new things to your mural.  Continue to watch as your class grows in their knowledge of not only God’s Word, but areas in their lives that can be corrected, drawing them closer to the Lord.

Have them each add anything else they may have brought to add to the wall.  Encourage everyone to participate.

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