Lesson 7 (Lesson 33): I Samuel 8-15: Saul

Key Verse

“For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes.”  Jeremiah 16:17

Read the Key Verse with your class.  Help them understand that the verse tells that God’s eyes are upon everything.  Nothing happens that God does not know about; not even their iniquity (faults, mischief, and/or sin.)  There is no point in lying about something you may have done (or not done) because God knows it all and nothing is hidden from Him.

Summary:  Today we will continue in the life of Samuel, but we will be introduced to the third main character in the book of I Samuel – Saul.  We learned last week, that when Samuel answered God’s call, God was able to use him to speak to the people for Him.  He was not only a priest, but he was a prophet of God.  Today we see that the people now verbally reject God as their king and want a man to rule over them.  God chose Saul.  He was, physically, everything a people could want in a king.  He was good looking, and he stood head and shoulders taller than anyone else.  Today we learn what kind of a man he really was, and why God removed the kingdom not only from him, but his family.

Emphasis:  We must remember that God sees everything.  We must please God in everything we do, obeying His commands.  In order to know what God wants from us, we must seek Him – read our Bible and pray, faithfully.


Optional Worksheets to be downloaded:

Lesson 33 – Volume 1 Children’s Worksheet 1

Lesson 33 – Volume 1 Children’s Reinforcement Worksheet


Ideas for children:

Stickers always work well with children. Often times I watch Wal-Mart or Oriental Trading Company for specials or deals on things I can use for crafts for Sunday School (i.e. foam sheets, Bible Story scene stickers, crowns, stick on jewels, construction paper, etc.).  I keep a stash and when I need something, I go search in my stash!  Pinterest always has great ideas!

You could have a coloring sheet that goes with the lesson.

One idea for today’s lesson:  (See picture below).  For today’s lesson we made a coloring book for each child.  Because Saul was the first king of Israel, there were many choices of coloring pages.  I chose some that told the story of Saul.  I had a book of construction paper cut and stapled together for them to glue the different pictures into in the correct order.  We colored some of the pictures in them with the time we had left.  They were then able to take their books home to color the rest of the pictures as they had time, helping them remember what we had learned in class that day.  We also colored the page that is today’s Children’s Reinforcement Worksheet and discussed what it meant.


Mural idea:

Refer to the wall in your classroom that has become a mural.

By now your class should be in a groove as to the direction and areas in which they need to focus and work on to improve their Christian lives.  Use this knowledge to help you address specific areas in each lesson that your class can discuss and share as you add new things to your mural.  Continue to watch as your class grows in their knowledge of not only God’s Word, but areas in their lives that can be corrected, drawing them closer to the Lord.

Have them each add anything else they may have brought to add to the wall.  Encourage everyone to participate.

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