Tag: Jonah

A Form Without Power

“Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2 Timothy 3:5 In the Old Testament divided kingdom years, Israel had the form of worship (a religion) without the power (true nature) of that worship of God. King Jeroboam established two places of worship at […]

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The Consequence of Apostasy

“The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked …” Nahum 1:3a Remember Jonah? God sent Jonah to warn Nineveh of destruction for their wickedness. “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come […]

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A Life Example

“Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not?” Jonah 3:9 Do you remember what we can learn from the book of Jonah? After Jonah went to the people of Nineveh, the people understood that God expected repentance. In […]

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Obey, or Run Away

Have you ever recognized God speaking to you through His Word? Did you understand there was something He wanted you to do? Have you ever chosen to do what you want to do instead of following the plan God has for your life? God’s Word is to be a light […]

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Lesson 6: Jonah: The Reluctant Prophet

For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men. —Titus 2:11 Key Verse Thought: Read today’s key verse. Use the following definitions help you understand it:  Today we are going to study a prophet that God sent to a Gentile nation (they were not Israelites, God’s […]

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Pieces of a Puzzle

There were men, called prophets, whom God called for a special purpose. Through these men, he revealed Himself to His people through the ages in different ways at different times. “God, who at sundry times” [refers to the incremental and progressive manner in which God disclosed Himself, up until the […]

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Lesson 10: Nine Pre-Exile Minor Prophets Hosea – Zephaniah

Key Verse “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,”  Hebrews 1:1 Understanding the key verse:  “God, who at sundry times (refers to the incremental and progressive manner in which God disclosed Himself up until the appearance of the […]

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