Tag: Hezekiah

Can One Know God?

Not many people today were born into a Christian family. What does this mean? Most often, they do not understand or know God. How can one find God? How can one know God? In the life of King Hezekiah, we can read of a hope for someone whose family does […]

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Lesson 12: 2 Kings 18-20; 2 Chronicles 29-32: Hezekiah

Key Verse For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. —Romans 15:4 Key Verse Thought: Read the key verse. Not only is the Bible written for our learning, but also by watching as God revealed […]

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The Heart of the Matter

Hezekiah was the greatest king Judah ever had (see 2 Kings 18:5). He was compared back to King David, the man after God’s own heart. Hezekiah made great reformations in Judah, eliminated idols and reinstated worship of the one true God. His heart was right before God. “And in every […]

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Day of the Lord

The book of Joel tells of the Day of the Lord (see Joel 2:1-3). Many believe that this book is the key to understanding much of prophecy concerning the coming day mentioned by Jesus to His disciples before He left them on earth (see Matthew 24). A day that has […]

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