Tag: God

Obey, or Run Away

Have you ever recognized God speaking to you through His Word? Did you understand there was something He wanted you to do? Have you ever chosen to do what you want to do instead of following the plan God has for your life? God’s Word is to be a light […]

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Do You Love the Wages of Unrighteousness?

Have you ever encountered one called a Christian, who chooses the ways and riches of this present world instead of walking a Christ-like life? This brings to mind a very real man named Balaam from the book of Numbers in the Old Testament. Balak, king of Moab, (along with all […]

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Faith and Hope

Watching events in the world today, do you ever wonder why God allows some things to happen? Have you noticed the crime, injustices, wickedness, violence, strife, and so much more that happens continually? Does it seem like ungodliness is constantly in your face, yet there is nowhere to turn and […]

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Who is Jesus?

One cannot fully explain just who Jesus is in a brief summary. However, the Bible tells who Jesus is from the beginning through to the end. Nevertheless, for a brief sampling, read the following verses. Jesus is God’s Son “For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when […]

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The Mediator

God’s people were in bondage in Egypt (they were slaves). However, God heard them cry out and rose up a mighty deliverer, Moses. Moses appeared before Pharaoh and told him. “Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Let my people go …” (Exodus 5:1). Pharaoh’s response? “… I know not […]

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Be not Deceived

Jehoshaphat was a good king. Once he became king, he eliminated idol worship. He then strengthened the cities of Judah – physically and spiritually. By placing mighty soldiers in the different cities, he strengthened them physically. When he sent princes, priests, and Levites into every city teaching the Word of […]

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God is Faithful

If you ask someone who their favorite Bible character is, many will reply, “David!” Almost everyone has heard of David and Goliath. However, there is so much more to the life of David than one mighty victory when he was a young. David became the greatest king that the nation […]

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A Warning

One cannot help but remember a very strange event that happened in the Old Testament. There was a man of God sent to King Jeroboam to warn him not to practice the false religion that he was establishing. King Jeroboam rejected the message and told his men to “lay hold […]

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Receive the Instruction of Wisdom

Wisdom is the major theme of the book of Proverbs and King Solomon wrote much of it. If you remember, shortly after Solomon became king, God came to him in a dream. “In Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I […]

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Pieces of a Puzzle

There were men, called prophets, whom God called for a special purpose. Through these men, he revealed Himself to His people through the ages in different ways at different times. “God, who at sundry times” [refers to the incremental and progressive manner in which God disclosed Himself, up until the […]

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