Tag: Genesis

The Law

We are taught that obeying laws is important and that there are penalties to be paid if we break them. Consider the importance of laws. We are to understand that God has laws. His laws are significant, and obedience is very important to God as we can see throughout His […]

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God Made Me

Have you ever stopped to think about God’s creation? Have you ever thought, “What is the greatest thing God created?” There are so many wonderful and beautiful things that God made. Picture the mountains, beautiful sunsets, the ocean, a full moon as it rises, and so many other amazing things […]

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Lesson 4 (Lesson 17): Genesis 37 – 50: Joseph

Key Verse “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Romans 6:23 As you read the verse Romans 6:23, help your students understand this key verse as they complete the opening worksheet.  Make sure your students understand the key verse and the importance […]

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Lesson 2 (Lesson 15): Genesis 12 – 24: Abraham and Isaac

Key Verse “And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.” James 2:23 Read today’s key verse with your class.  Help them understand with the following:  imputed means counted; to put to his […]

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Lesson 1 (Lesson 14): Genesis 1 – 11: 4 Main Events: Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel

Key Verse “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 After reading today’s Key Verse with your class, help them understand by explaining that because we are humans, we cannot understand the things of God.  We must learn to trust Him […]

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Lesson 5: The Five Books of the Law: Genesis – Deuteronomy

Key Verse “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” Psalm 1:2 After reading this verse, think of some laws or rules we are expected to obey.  Should we break the law?  What happens if we do?  Think […]

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