Tag: Faith

Jesus, our Redeemer

In the book of Ruth, after reading about Ruth and Boaz, we see the parallel to the redemption Jesus did for us on the cross. Ruth was drawn to God and His people. She found out about a kinsman redeemer; Ruth was to go to him, uncover his feet, and […]

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Search the Scriptures Daily

Christians know that God’s Word is the Bible. We must also recognize the importance of using it correctly. In order to understand the correct way to use God’s Word, one must first know what it says. Each Christian should have their own personal copy of the Bible realizing the importance […]

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The Individual’s Choice

God wanted Ezekiel to make it clear to His people that God saw everything. Because God sees all, Ezekiel was to make sure the people understood that God also sees each individual and judges them accordingly. Especially notice the following: “Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the […]

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A Christian’s Duty

Can you name any of God’s commandments? Without knowing what God’s commandments are, people would never understand they have sinned. “Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:20). One must first […]

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The Preaching of the Cross

Many times in the Old Testament, we read of the promise of Jesus. No one knew His name, yet God’s people were to be looking for Him the same. At times, God revealed specific things He wanted the people to understand. “Behold, my servant shall deal prudently, he shall be […]

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A Heart of Unbelief

The Gospel Message of Jesus is available to anyone who will receive it. However, one must not only believe that message, it then must be received into one’s heart and life by faith. “For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did […]

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Faith and Hope

Watching events in the world today, do you ever wonder why God allows some things to happen? Have you noticed the crime, injustices, wickedness, violence, strife, and so much more that happens continually? Does it seem like ungodliness is constantly in your face, yet there is nowhere to turn and […]

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Jacob’s family moved to Egypt to be with Joseph. Before he died, he blessed each of his sons. When he came to Judah, he not only blessed him, but also made a prophecy concerning his descendants. “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, […]

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Examples for Believers

We can remember back to some of Jesus’ Disciples. They recorded for us their eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ life. They understood the importance of just who Jesus is. They realized the importance of recording the life of Jesus. They had witnessed the events of His life – firsthand! They not […]

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An amazing event took place at Philippi while Paul and Silas were there. They were falsely accused, beaten and thrown in prison. The jailer was instructed to keep them safe. So, he threw them into the inner prison and put their feet in the stocks. Read what happened: “25. And […]

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