Category: Picture with verse and blog

The Work of Faith

First Thessalonians was written to the church at Thessalonica, which Paul established on his second missionary journey (see Acts 17). There had been an uprising incited by Jews who rejected the teaching of Jesus, and Paul and Silas were sent away by night – keeping them safe. Although they had […]

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The Christian’s Goal

Paul, the Apostle, lived as a mighty example of a Christ-like life. He had once tried serving a religion, but when he met Jesus, he understood the uselessness of it (see Philippians 3:1-10).             Although Paul was not perfect, he understood that the goal of his life was to follow Jesus […]

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Work out Your Salvation with Fear and Trembling

Paul wrote the book of Philippians to a church he had established on his second missionary journey while accompanied by Silas, Timothy, and Luke (see Acts 16). Paul rejoiced after hearing about the church at Philippi and the growth they had experienced, encouraging them to continue growing in Christ. They […]

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Righteousness and Salvation

In this world, one only needs to look around to see just how prevalent sin has become. This sin is what separates man from the perfect and righteous God. “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he […]

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A Heart Lifted up to Destruction

King Uzziah was a great and mighty king in Judah. He fortified the city of Jerusalem and became famous throughout the land. See how he is described in Second Chronicles. “4. And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father […]

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The True Gospel Message

Apostle Paul, the great missionary had not given his life to please men (see Galatians 1:10-12). He was not teaching a “feel good” doctrine, or a comfortable non-confrontational Gospel. Paul had given his life to be the “servant of Christ.” In that, he could only faithfully teach the truth of […]

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No Common Ground

Paul loved the church at Corinth and poured his heart and life into them as he taught them how to live faithfully, pleasing Christ. We found that Paul taught each Christian to be an ambassador for Christ, representing Him to the world (see 2 Corinthians 5:20-21). Paul continued teaching the […]

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Sanctified to a Christ-like Life

Many Christians today have not put forth much effort to grow in their Christian lives. They have remained immature, never taking the time to read or study God’s Word. When a Christian does not know what the Bible teaches, they cannot grow in their Christian walk with Christ. Paul understood […]

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God Gives the Increase

Paul, the Apostle, understood the importance of the message he was to deliver: Jesus, God’s Son, lived a perfect life, died on the cross paying for man’s sin, and rose again the third day. This was a message the world did not, and could not understand. It is a mystery […]

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The Excellency of the Power of God

Paul had been called to be a light to the Gentile people, telling them of the Gospel message of Jesus. He wanted all to understand each person is a sinner (see Romans 3:23), and that all would die an eternal death unless they trusted in Jesus (see Romans 6:23). Paul […]

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