Author: mjross


Solomon was an exceedingly wise man. He was a very wealthy man. This was all because when God asked him what he wanted, Solomon asked for wisdom of God to rule His people. God then gave him wisdom and wealth beyond measure. All heard of King Solomon’s great wisdom and […]

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An amazing event took place at Philippi while Paul and Silas were there. They were falsely accused, beaten and thrown in prison. The jailer was instructed to keep them safe. So, he threw them into the inner prison and put their feet in the stocks. Read what happened: “25. And […]

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Righteousness from God

We often hear how important it is to confess our sins, seeking forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). However, have you ever thought about how this is even possible? It […]

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How to Apply God’s Word

A Christian is to understand that God’s Word is the Bible. Christians have Bibles and know they are important to have, but one cannot forget the importance of knowing what the Bible says. It was written for Christians. It is imperative that every Christian learn how to use the Bible […]

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Be Not Deceived

If you read the history of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) in the Old Testament, keep in mind that none of the kings of Israel was considered good because they led Israel to sin against God. They had established a religion worshiping golden calves in Dan and Bethel, not the one […]

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The Just Shall Live by Faith

Have you ever been afraid? One cannot help but remember back to an event that took place in the Bible. Jesus had been going about preaching and healing many. The disciples who were with Him, recognized that he was a great teacher. They had witnessed many people come to Jesus […]

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A Wise Man

There are countless people who believe there are “many” ways to get to heaven. We can see this evidenced in numerous religions out there that promise eternal life in heaven. These religions (and personal opinions) give false hope of eternal life because they do not teach there is only One […]

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Do you Seek the Lord?

God sent a man named Amos to deliver an important message to the people of Israel. The people were living contrary to the Word of God, worshiping idols, and were practicing an empty religion. Amos asked them an important question: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). […]

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The Choice

Why do some people believe in Jesus, becoming a Christian, and others do not? God gives each person the choice to believe or not. One cannot help but remember the brothers Esau and Jacob from the Old Testament book of Genesis. They were twin brothers, yet they were very different. […]

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A Death Sentence

Naaman healed of leprosy is a very familiar event that happened in the Old Testament. In Bible times, leprosy was much like a death sentence. There was no known cure. However, have you ever considered a great lesson that can be understood from this event? Read what we know about […]

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