Do you read the Bible? Do you understand what you read when you do take time to read it?
The Bible is the Word of God. It has been preserved for us to read, but very few people read and understand what the Bible has to say to us today. According to most statistics, young people are growing up and leaving the church and faith in God by the droves. The main reason can be found in the lack of knowledge and understanding of what one believes about God and why. Not many people take time to gain the information only found in the Bible that one needs to live in today’s world.
Growing up in a Christian home is no guarantee that one understands the Bible, or knows how to live a Christian life. Being saved as a young child, I learned many Bible “stories,” but it wasn’t until later that I began to understand how all of these stories fit together. When I saw a timeline throughout Bible history, it helped me begin to understand how all of those “stories” were connected together. I also began to understand that Jesus was planned from the beginning of time to redeem mankind because of sin. I wanted to know and understand more of the Bible, so I began to study.
The most important thing about studying the Bible should be to learn the basics of the Bible and how it should be applied to Christians’ lives. A good Bible study needs to be more than a compilation of “stories” we have always heard. The word “story” even brings to the hearers’ mind that they are make-believe. Many people do not even understand that the Bible is not just a compilation of popular Bible “stories” or favorite Bible passages. The Bible is not full of “stories” but actual events in real people’s lives. Children, as well as adults, need to understand that each of these events all fit together as part of a bigger picture – much like pieces of a puzzle. Not only do these events interlock, but they also have a purpose: to reveal Jesus and why He came.
It is very important to read God’s Word and be in a good Bible study where you can learn more about Jesus. One important goal each Christian should have is to know and understand more about the Bible. The more you learn about the Bible, the more you begin to understand that it is so much more than just a collection of events in people’s lives that lived long ago. In the Bible Study called The Biblical Path of Life, you can search and find out why the people who lived in the Old Testament times wanted to obey God. You can learn how they knew He would one day send Jesus. It is there one can see what happened to His people when they obeyed God’s Word, and even what happened when they forgot God’s Word. As you read the New Testament, you begin to recognize when people began to understand that Jesus was the One who was to come (the one promised in the Old Testament). These events will be an encouragement to you, for it is then that one can understand God is with those who love Him, seek to please Him, and that God takes care of His people. “Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Psalm 16:11). It is then that one begins to understand how to live a Christian life pleasing to God in the world today. The Bible means nothing to us if we do not apply the principles within to our lives to become more like Christ.
All people, especially children, are capable of learning so much more. The Biblical Path of Life is one such study meant to simplify the understanding of the Bible making it relevant to a Christian’s life — young or old — by comparing Scripture to Scripture. Christians should understand just how important their Bible is and become familiar with it. Everyone should understand the importance of reading God’s Word!
Even beginning readers should be encouraged to read their Bible. At first, even the youngest readers will be hesitant to read. Nevertheless, with a little encouragement and help, they can become excited about reading their Bible. No one is too young (or old) to begin to love the Word of God or to learn the principles found within God’s Word!
In order to encourage people to know more of the Bible, I have posted blogs to motivate people to dig a little deeper into their Bible’s and study. Feedspot has recognized www.biblicalpath.com as one of the top 100 Bible Study Blogs. My hope is that by being listed here, many more people will be encouraged to read and understand what God’s Word has for people who are searching in these days.
Do you take time to read your Bible, discovering God’s plan in these days?