What People Are Saying

“… I was asked to teach a children’s Wednesday night program and this curriculum was heavily integrated in my teaching. We created posters and sang songs to go along with the studies and it brought me such joy to see the children enjoying the Bible studies and their questions… I am so thankful this is in book form and I have it on my table, not my bookshelf. Our family uses it for our nightly family Bible study. God’s Word does not return void and it does not matter how many times you go through this study there is always something new the Lord is illuminating we just need to be searching.”  ~ Julie, South Carolina

“I now understand how the Bible fits together! I have studied through the Bible using this curriculum four times and each time I come to a deeper understanding of the scriptures!” ~Mary, Oklahoma

“…This 3-year Bible Study program is a breath of fresh air amidst the typical swirl of Bible stories lacking connection to God’s Word as a whole. My own daughters ages 14 and 12 have gone through the Bible from cover to cover three times (using The Biblical Path of Life). … Going through the entire Bible has helped me get out of reading my favorite passages over and over. And now I understand my favorite passages so much better because I understand more how it all connects … We see the Lord Jesus everywhere in the Bible! …” ~Jody, Oklahoma

“Having grown up in church, traveled, and taught in different churches, I have taught from several different Sunday School curriculums. The Biblical Path of Life has by far been the most in depth and chronologically on track curriculum I have learned and taught from. There is far more knowledge in the material per lesson than any other curriculum I have used. The whole curriculum is Christ centered, a program of study, and simple to use. Designed for the teacher and student to absorb and learn from and is extremely recommended.”~ Justin, Washington

“You will find in this series of Biblical studies the most conservative, literal, deeply foundational truths of the Holy Bible. Our church has used The Biblical Path of Life studies for the past twelve years for our children and … for our adults for the past seven years bringing our Bible Study program into a Family Bible study for the whole church. I highly recommend this study to bring your Bible Study program together as a family in unity.” ~ Wayne Keely, Pastor

This is one of the most “in-depth” and easy to understand Bible studies I’ve seen. I really like how it focuses on how Jesus can be seen throughout the entire Bible. I believe this is the most important thing to keep in mind when studying the scriptures.   ~Josh, Arkansas.

This Bible study has taught me so much about the Bible. I never realized how much there was to learn. It is easy to understand, yet detailed enough to teach you something new, no matter how many times you go through it.  ~Stevie, Oklahoma.

“‘The Biblical Path of Life’ helps students understand that the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story of God’s redemption. Adults, youth, and children all study the same lesson each week as we gather together in age appropriate classes for Bible study through our Sunday School hour. The Gospel Message is taught through every story from Genesis to Revelation because it is the gospel that transforms the heart, changing everything through salvation and learning to walk by faith in our Lord Jesus.”  ~ Cornerstone Baptist Church, Oklahoma