Category: Picture with verse and blog

The Choice

Why do some people believe in Jesus, becoming a Christian, and others do not? God gives each person the choice to believe or not. One cannot help but remember the brothers Esau and Jacob from the Old Testament book of Genesis. They were twin brothers, yet they were very different. […]

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A Death Sentence

Naaman healed of leprosy is a very familiar event that happened in the Old Testament. In Bible times, leprosy was much like a death sentence. There was no known cure. However, have you ever considered a great lesson that can be understood from this event? Read what we know about […]

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Hold Fast

Have you ever had someone make fun of you, or laugh, at you because you have chosen to live a Christian life? Have you especially noticed it when you attempt to tell someone about Jesus? Although it may be hard to understand why this happens, we are to try to […]

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The Mystery of All Times

At some point in one’s life, a person become cognizant that there is something off – that they may be a good person, but that it isn’t enough in the grand scheme of things. They begin to recognize sin. Sin means “missing the true goal and scope of life; offense […]

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A Warning

One cannot help but remember a very strange event that happened in the Old Testament. There was a man of God sent to King Jeroboam to warn him not to practice the false religion that he was establishing. King Jeroboam rejected the message and told his men to “lay hold […]

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God’s Great Gifts

Everyone knows John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This is undoubtedly the greatest gift anyone could receive. God offered His only Son to mankind. However, most people do not […]

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Christmas Time is Here

This has been a very crazy year. So much has happened. So much has changed. It is hard to believe that the year 2020 is almost over. And it doesn’t really feel like Christmas. Do you remember watching A Charlie Brown Christmas? As it opens, Charlie Brown is declaring to […]

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Why Not to be Afraid

There should be a definite contrast in the hearts and lives of Christians compared with those who have not yet believed in Jesus. Christians have a great confidence (a hope) as we live in this lost world. On the other hand, the lost (those apart from Christ) may be fearful […]

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Examine Yourself

There was a man who was instructed in the ways of the Lord. He knew the Bible. He was a great speaker when he taught things from the Bible. He instructed many people of the correct ways to live according to the principles laid out in God’s Word. This man […]

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Light versus Darkness

Everyone understands the difference between light and dark. They are opposites. In one, you can see clearly, in the other you cannot. In the darkness, much can be hidden and unseen. Sometimes we think of the scary things – seen or unseen – in the darkness. See what King Solomon […]

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