Lesson 5: 2 Chronicles 1-9 Solomon and the Temple

Key Verse

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

—Psalm 33:12

Key Verse Thought: After reading the key verse, understand that God has promised to bless the nation who acknowledges God as supreme, and where the people establish a relationship with Him. How can one have a relationship with God? (i.e.:  first, ask Jesus in one’s heart; spend time with Him; pray; read the Bible; obey God’s commands and encourage others to obey Him as well; etc.)  In this lesson, we will see how God blessed the nation, Israel, who made God the Lord of their nation – and obeyed Him! 

Emphasis: Christians are to choose to obey God, doing what He wants over what self wants, understanding that God will bless those who put God first.

Lesson Summary: In our last lesson, we learned that David prepared greatly for the building of the Temple. He declared that his son, Solomon, would succeed him as king, and Solomon would build the house of the Lord. In this lesson, we will learn about Solomon as he becomes king of Israel.

Solomon returned to the tabernacle Moses had built in the wilderness and offered great sacrifices to God. God came to Solomon that night, asking what he desired. Solomon took his father’s advice and asked for wisdom to rule God’s people. God not only promised him wisdom, but riches and fame as well. 

Solomon immediately set about to build the Temple for God. Once it was completed (and the furnishings were made and placed inside), he had the Ark of the Covenant brought into the Temple, addressed the people, and prayed to God. When Solomon finished praying, God answered his prayer by sending fire from heaven that consumed Solomon’s sacrifice. The glory of the Lord so filled the Temple that no one could enter. God then gave many promises, and warnings, to Solomon.

Solomon’s kingdom increased, and his fame extended. The Queen of Sheba heard of King Solomon and came to meet him herself. She recognized that God had given him this great wisdom.  Solomon’s fame continued to spread, and many kings gave him great gifts – increasing his wealth.

Remember: The books of the Chronicles do not dwell upon the wrongdoings of the kings, but what good they accomplished for Judah.

Y2Q2 – Lesson 5 Questions

Y2Q2 – Lesson 5 Children’s Worksheets

If you are doing this with younger children, the following area craft ideas to go with this lesson:

We decorated a frame with the verse 2 Chronicles 7:14 in it to remind them of King Solomon’s prayer.
This is another idea of a decorated frame with 2 Chronicles 7:14 in it to remind them of King Solomon’s prayer.

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